Rajay B Vadher
Notary Public
My name is Rajay B Vadher and I have been practicing as a Notary Public since 2012 after graduating at Cambridge University. I am also a Partner at a London Firm of solicitors,
Jay Vadher & Co.

& Values
My role, as a Notary Public, is to act as an independent lawyer to verify facts for your overseas transactional needs.
- I pride myself in explaining the process and helping you achieve your goals.
- I will endeavour to seek a solution that is the quickest and most cost effective.
- I can offer guidance on foreign countries’ legalisation requirements.
- I can support with securing Apostilles and embassy and consular legalisation where required.
- I can assist in obtaining certified translations

My Notary businesses is well established and is trusted by individuals and businesses, both public and private. I have helped thousands of satisfied clients over the years.
Since 2012 I have worked on a wide array of Notarial cases. As a member of the Notaries Society, I am authorised to authenticate the following as an example:-
- Powers of attorney
- Affidavits
- Sponsorship declarations
- Statutory declarations

Each case is unique, but generally I will expect the following from a client:-
- Expect the client to make an appointment
- Expect the client to bring a recognised form of personal identification , for example , a current passport, photo driving licence, proofs of address being bank statement, utility bill, etc
- Confidence understanding the document , particularly if it is not in English
- Further supporting documentation and evidence relating to the case
Every client matters to me so contact me today!
There will be no fee for a telephone consultation.